
To make your stay on our server more enjoyable, there is a set of minigames you can play. Among them is racing. The server currently has 507 races that you can show off your skillset in.
To join a race, wait for a race starting notice in the chat and on your screen. Then use /race to join it. To join a race, you must have a vehicle that can be obtained through /v. In some cases, where a race requires a specific vehicle, it is given to you automatically. Once you join the race, wait for the race waiting period to end (this is useful to get more racers to enjoy the race with you). Some races, however, are set so that you either drive in a separate virtual world, which is very useful for getting good race times in narrow tracks.

Once the race starts, in the bottom right of the screen, you can see your time elapsed and your current position in the race. In the left bottom corner, occasionally, you will receive updates (in seconds) on how much ahead/behind you are from the race leader. If something goes sour during the race, you can use /reset for a small extra cost to reset you to the latest checkpoint that you went through. Should you decide to quit racing, you can use /leave, in which case you will not get the race entry fee back.

Once you finish the race, depending on your position and how many players started in the race with you, you will receive a bonus amount of money that is guaranteed to be higher than the race entry fee that you paid upon entering the race. This is for the reason that we do not strive to be a strict racing server for penalizing losing. However, in case you come in the top 3 finishers, you will receive a decent EXP bonus (5EXP for finishing 1st, 4EXP for 2nd, 3EXP for 3rd, 1EXP for other positions).

Our website has a special section (click!) where race record times and other finishing times are displayed, categorized by race. These records are kept for a 2-month long period. On every player statistics page and through using /stats in-game (or clicking on someone's name through the TAB player list), you can see how many races they have participated in and how many they have finished either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd. For players that participate in many races or win lots of them, there are also special achievements on the server.

Race Building

Our players can build custom races themselves. These races can then be submitted to the staff for review, and they'll likely find the race suitable for others to play on.
To start building a race, use /buildrace (or /racebuild). Once you do, a menu will open up. To see more instructions in-game, use the Help section of that menu.
To add a new checkpoint at any desired location, use /cp. To deleted the selected checkpoint (CPs can be selected through the /buildmenu dialog or using /scp), use /dcp. To move the selected checkpoint to a new location, use /rcp.
Once you are done with laying out the checkpoints, you can use the Save option in the race building menu to save the race (note that at least two checkpoints are necessary to do this). Alternatively, you can use /saverace.
You can later edit your submitted race by using /racebuild again and selecting to load an existing race submission.