Latest activity

  • V
    Vince replied to the thread Joining SFSE's Discord Server.
    In-game nickname: Tofuu Discord username: Vince#0912
  • hong
    hong reacted to Karim11's post in the thread SF-SE ftw with Fire Fire.
    So i started learning photoshop through online courses and i had to do like homework/project I made this as a practice :v San Fierro...
  • Sgt.Reznov
    Sgt.Reznov reacted to Karim11's post in the thread SF-SE ftw with Madvillayo Madvillayo.
    Updated version :d
  • Sgt.Reznov
    Sgt.Reznov reacted to Karim11's post in the thread SF-SE ftw with Like Like.
    So i started learning photoshop through online courses and i had to do like homework/project I made this as a practice :v San Fierro...
  • Karim11
    Karim11 reacted to darkness's post in the thread SF-SE ftw with Fire Fire.
    I like the skyline, nice touch.
  • darkness
    darkness replied to the thread SF-SE ftw.
    I like the skyline, nice touch.
  • darkness
    darkness reacted to AlanNeos's post in the thread Oh, Hi! with Skull Skull.
    He forgot to mention he is also former server owner, so modest. Welcome back !!!! - alanneos
  • hong
    hong reacted to pnzi's post in the thread pnzi with Fire Fire.
    Hey everyone! It's been one or two weeks I've been playing in the server, it's been enjoyable so far lookin forward to meet ya'll ig.
  • Karim11
    Karim11 reacted to AlanNeos's post in the thread SF-SE ftw with Love Love.
    Actually looks really cool
  • darkness
    darkness reacted to [PWI]Cadbane's post in the thread Hey It's Me again with Like Like.
    Hello Everyone. I am CadBane. "Real Name Battousai" I have been part of SF-SF & SF-SE from the start. My SF-SE ID Number is 16 =) I...
  • Mauri
    Mauri reacted to darkness's post in the thread Oh, Hi! with Like Like.
    I have returned to SFSE, it's a good feeling to be back at home-base, where everything started for me. For those of you who may be...
  • IroniZ
    IroniZ reacted to adlude's post in the thread Server updates with Fire Fire.
    28 June 2021 * /wheels dialog has been replaced with a visual selection. Suggested by @Volt * Add optional Private DM toggle for...
  • IroniZ
    IroniZ reacted to adlude's post in the thread Server updates with Fire Fire.
    12 August 2021 * Gang members with permission to recruit members can now revoke pending join invitations. Suggested by @madvillayo. *...
  • IroniZ
    IroniZ reacted to adlude's post in the thread Server updates with Fire Fire.
    10 October 2021 * Happy Halloween! Our annual pumpkin hunt is now live! This year we have a total of 51 pumpkins to find. Everyone who...
  • IroniZ
    IroniZ reacted to adlude's post in the thread Server updates with Fire Fire.
    10 April 2022 * Happy Easter! There are 30 eggs stashed around SA. Each egg rewards some cash and experience and there is a lumpsome...