What would you like to see from SFSE?


Server Owner
Now that the majority of the bugs are fixed since the C++ launch (big thanks to everyone, including those who yelled "BUG" in main chat, for the help!), we are looking to expand our feature set.

We are looking for new features that have a recurring good use. By this, features that you can see being fun for a long period of time, rather than a one-hit wonder, per se. 

So, go ahead - tell us what you'd like to see on SFSE!
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Active Member
Now that the majority of the bugs are fixed since the C++ launch (big thanks to everyone, including those who yelled "BUG" in main chat, for the help!), we are looking to expand our feature set.

We are looking for new features that have a recurring good use. By this, features that you can see being fun for a long period of time, rather than a one-hit wonder, per se. 

So, go ahead - tell us what you'd like to see on SFSE!
1-add some info about businesses like how many hours left to be unowned and even more businesses and add a sell business system

2- add a command for removing cp in buildrace

3-add spec for race

4-add bet for race and derby maybe even shooter

5-add /speedo

6-and please add old derby maps too!!!!and remove sumo map in every derby vote
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Former Staff
Gang zones which can be captured and recaptured by gangs. 

It's similar to gang war, but gangs fight for zone.

As the gang zones get captured, gang earns gang points or golden stars or whatever u call it.

When other gang attacks gang zone, others are not allowed to interfere(except the attacked gang), which would lead to 1 more rule in rule list...

Also, it's forbidden to go into a gang zone capturing with godmode on.

WE already have gwar, but zones would be interesting too! :D  

And about dm zones, I hope we're gonna see deagle dm soon!
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