What is your favorite food?


Active Member
i got a lot of them i love to eat but there isn't really a food that is my favorite since it changes from time to time, i'll go with lasagna


Here's my list:

  1. Turkey (food) - it's so extremely delicious, and I'm always so addicted and hungry when I see it. Underrated food!
  2. Sushi - The Japanese cuisine is always fantastic, no matter what you choose or eat from Japan
  3. Lasagna/Pasta - The Italian cuisine is as good as the Japanese one. I love it!
  4. Grilled pork belly with parsley sauce (Danish national dish - also called Stegt flæsk med persillesovs)
  5. Avocados - What can you even do without Avocados? Some people says it's boring, but it's definitely my favorite fruit!

As you can see, I like to eat healthy food :)

I thought it would be Marshmallows. Oh well ;)