Website updates

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Hey, sorry about the lack of updates! Don't worry we have been updating regularly but I haven't actually been posting. Here's a few things that have been added / fixed. Also wanna thank @Kostas for his time and effort :)

  • The VIP page has had a small revamp
  • Changed the navigation bar to say "VIP" instead of "Shop"
  • Stunt wars can now be sorted from ascending to descending and can also sort vehicles models & players controlling.
  • A bug that @madvillayo raised regarding stunt wars, when viewing a certain players stunt wars, you're unable to sort each catagory.
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This update ties in with the new gamemode update!


  • Added a brand new online list which shows the total time you've been playing, if you're staff member or VIP.
  • Ability to check your current online time via your profile
  • Will now show if a player is currently online on the staff, vip & gang page
  • Times now show, either today, yesterday or date format (for example, if you get a top time on a race today it'll show "today at XX:XX:XX")
  • All plugins have been updated to the latest versions
  • Extensive work done by @Kostas to clean up near enough all the pages (hoping for faster responsive times)
  • You can now see how many race records a player is holding on their profiles
  • Smaller version of the online list has now been added to the index page
  • Most online block on the index page has had a revamp (should now correctly show most online, including current session)
  • When hovering over the time a player registered it'll show how long ago it was.
  • Ability to toggle announcements, & toggle if you want /load to save & change your fightstyles via the UCP
  • Added steam icon to footer.
  • Your last known IP will be show on footer if logged in to UCP
  • You can now track the progress of each achievements, seeing how close you are to actually unlocking (
  • KDR stats now only select players with a minimum of 5 hours online time & 500+ kills
  • Achievements progress bar on player profile now animates
  • Stats page will now only show those with 5+ playing hours
  • You can now order VIPs list, ordering from names & last seen
  • You can now order the gangs list, ordering from each row

  • Fallback for browsers/devices that don't support .WEBP yet

  • Total time online reverted back to hours instead of days & hours
  • Removed some un-needed code
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  • Ability to track stunt war times via stunt war page! (click on a stunt war name to view more information!)
  • Some background alterations (mainly for speed & performance)
  • Races page has had a small upgrade.
  • Removal of the dark mode (causing too many issues)
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  • filter (requires login) for your most times landed stunts (thanks to @Luis)!
  • weapon sets (requires login) for managing each and every set (thanks to @Luis)!
  • button to quickly view a single house/business on the map (suggested by @madvillayo)!
  • bug with displaying wrong amount if holding more than 10 race records (reported by @Shaan).
  • bug for perm VIPs displaying Level: Regular Player in their profile (reported by @AlmegAlmeg).
  • warning for controlling unused stunt wars.
  • Updated cache for player profiles.
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  • Wrong rank in stuntwar times page.
  • We have a new userbar update (the first of many may I add, plans to revamp the majority of them are in the works)

* Replace X with your regid!
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- Added race preview (vehicle races on default gta sa map only)!
- Added toggle for hydraulics and custom vehicle addons in UCP > Preferences (thanks to @ellie).

- Updated online list to sort (ascending) by columns ID, Experience & Time Online (suggested by @vodka).
- Updated playersearch to display online players.
- Updated pagination in playersearch, race times and stuntwar times pages.
- Updated table headers to display sorting arrows (ascending/descending) to available columns.
- Updated carousel images to serve them with low resolution depending on the device.

- Fixed next page on per race records (reported by @Sulps).
- Fixed race type search displaying all races (reported by @Tarium).
- Fixed duplicates in swar top for certain players.
- Fixed progress for Essential Worker achievement.
- Fixed inability to unset `Show my times only` filter when no rows.

- Added map support for gang territories and owned houses (player profile).
- Added Android: Yes in General Information section (player profile) if mobile client.
- Added highlight for partial search (Players page).

- Updated Preferences page (complete redesign: checkboxes and more).
- Updated FAQ page (complete redesign: custom accordion by @ellie combined with interactive arrows) because arrows alignment was broken in some mobiles (reported by @Shaan).
- Updated style for links, they now have a dotted bottom border to stand out easier (suggested by @bear).
- Updated Leaderboard to display top20 once again as it was requested a couple of times.
- Updated chart (peak player registrations) to add a crosshair element and new colors.
- Updated Trailer video section with a fixed width-height in 2K and 4K monitors because it was huge (reported by @s0ulreaper).

- Fixed carousel images in 2K and 4K monitors not taking the full width (reported by @s0ulreaper).
- Fixed bug with accessing player profile if the name contained any = character.
- Fixed bug with permanent VIPs not displaying their subscription in Overview page.
- Fixed bug with permanent VIPs not displaying VIP preferences (label and vehicle addons) and correct max speedboost/bounce values.
- Fixed bug with fighting style not being saved.
- Fixed bug with leaving plate empty not resetting the plate.
- Fixed bug with being unable to set on/off the Show Player Label option.
- Fixed bug with plate color not being saved unless the text also changes.
Long time, no updates. Kostas pretty much took over development of the UCP but due to his real life commitments i'm now back developing!

- Added new video on media thanks to @KompoT

- Updated discord link to redirect to the thread.
- Updated a few old urls.

- Removed the easter egg counter (thanks @madvillayo)
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- Bootstrap files have been updated to the latest version (5.2)
- Slightly altered the navbar colours.
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