SFSE turns 11 years old!

Damn, Congrats SFSE and the community. This is a big milestone.
Though I did not have as much time as compared to other fellas in the community, I made a lot of memories and friends.

From Playing Hydra chase and Battle Royale with Kostas to listening to guitar over discord from Vasileros and Hosting those Dodge the plane events. Begging Death (Scheel, Scar, and what not him names were) to make signatures for me. All the stuff we did together in MOB Clan. This was a great time that I will not forget.
Thanks to every single one of the staff & player for making the server to what it is today, i never enjoyed any other servers as much as i enjoy playing on SFSE, i made a little video of my personal funniest moments i ever had :) Sorry im late, Happy Birthday SFSE!
Here we go, 728 screenshots from SFSE taken between 2012-15. Google Photos says the gallery starts at 2011, but that's just the first screenshot. All the others are from 2012-15. Also, I've never uploaded to Google Photos before, so tell me if the link below doesn't work. Enjoy!

I registered only to say holy shit, this is such a trip down memory lane. This server was the first one I ever joined when I started playing SAMP, back in 2010, when my English knowledge was really low (Spanish is my main language) and I barely understood the commands and what to do in the server.
Seeing AFK people getting freight boxed or spawning an andromada on top (/v mad :D) brings a lot of memories! Cawfee and I used to troll so much with freight boxes, even on races we used to spawn those and troll people lmfao. It was so fun.
I don't have any pictures or videos from my time on the server because I don't have that laptop anymore but I do have the wonderful memories from the good old days :')
I found this video that if I remember correctly, was made by love994:

It's nice to see that you guys are still around after 11 long years, still going strong. Amazing!
Here we go, 728 screenshots from SFSE taken between 2012-15. Google Photos says the gallery starts at 2011, but that's just the first screenshot. All the others are from 2012-15. Also, I've never uploaded to Google Photos before, so tell me if the link below doesn't work. Enjoy!

it would take A LOT to top this

honestly one of the moments I remember pretty vividly was the first time I came onto the SFSE Teamspeak server, it was the first time interacting with a person in english outside of school, the guy's name was FlyingKnife aka Knifuu and I miss him dearly... if I remember correctly it happened in either 2010 or 2011, definitely better times than now

hitting 100k score was also nice, thought I was hot shit for a moment but nobody really gave a crap
Kinda hard to believe SFSE turned to 11 years old. Late to part but want to say Happy birthday SF-SE!

Here we go, 728 screenshots from SFSE taken between 2012-15. Google Photos says the gallery starts at 2011, but that's just the first screenshot. All the others are from 2012-15. Also, I've never uploaded to Google Photos before, so tell me if the link below doesn't work. Enjoy!


Those pictures are awesome, remembered me old days like I had [Bros.] clan and trying to get LV casinos; or trying to remember (still i remember some of them) goldpot locations and mostly Hax or Gagl taking it before me lol. Thank you for nostalgia :D