Server Rules

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Web Developer
Head Admin
Players shall follow the server rules at all times. Failure to do so shall result in disciplinary action of your in-game account.

  1. Do not use hacks, CLEOs or modifications of any kind that may have an affect on multiplayer gaming.
  2. Do not spam / flood or advertise, this is SF-SE and SF-SE only (this goes for mentioning or servers names too)
  3. Do not flame, insult or bait others, or even create an unfriendly atmosphere, be respectful of others.
  4. Do not scam, share personal information of others without their consent, or ruin events.
  5. Do not car-jack, The server provides enough vehicles for all, and even has a command to spawn your own (/v - /car)
  6. Do not abuse SA-MP or SF-SE bugs, this excludes the likes of 2-Shot & C-Bug.
  7. Do not use capital letters excessively in chat.
  8. Do not ask for money, rewards or promotions, Read the /faq in game.
  9. Do not manipulate server features to regain health, evade death or for your advantage.
  10. Do not impersonate server staff or players alike.
  11. Keep your username appropriate.
  12. Teaming in public deathmatch arenas is forbidden, unless consent from both parties is given.
  13. Demeaning others based on their gender or sexual harrasment will NOT be tolerated.
  14. Staff have discretion in disallowing undesirable behavior which may not be covered here.
Thank you for reading and understanding, we hope you enjoy your time here!
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As of 23/02/2021, anybody found re-naming their gang and classing it as a new gang but using the old gangs stats is not allowed, as it isn't fair for other players & gang leaders. There's been a lot of controversy regarding this situation and I feel this the best option to take.

Anybody found guilty of this will have their gang removed / gang stats reset unless they can provide sufficiant proof.

I'm sorry if people disagree but, at the end of the day we just want a peaceful time.
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