Discontinuation of SAMP's Hosted Tab & Downloads


Server Owner
For members of our Discord server, this has already been shared, but I am re-sharing here for those who are not part of our Discord server:

SA:MP's owner & founder, Kalcor, has made the decision to shutdown the server lists, and downloads, which will be coming into effect imminently

What this means is that SA:MP is more or less "done"

We are actively assessing our options to try and maintain some sort of community.

Updates will be shared shortly
this was a thought that I had already forgotten, since everything has to end in a moment.
So yes, you start to think about this and personally it worries me a lot.

With SFSE's server upgraded to a supported and modern platform already, Open.MP, the only piece of the puzzle that remains is the client.

I am hoping that the Open.MP development team release one very soon, at which point, SFSE's development team will work to ensure compatibility and update the material on our properties (website, forum, Discord, etc) accordingly.

All in all, whilst there are some unknowns, I feel optimistic about the future and think that the game will become even more enjoyable for everyone.
Below is an update for the state of affairs concerning Open.MP, and thus, what the future holds for SFSE

Tl;dr it appears Open.MP will get its own client, and it will have a SA:MP equivalent of the "Hosted" listed - but unlike SA:MP, you won't need to pay for it, but rather, you need to run a "great server"

I will be speaking to the Open.MP developers to try and secure a place for SFSE on this list. After all, we are one of the longest-serving, well-maintained SA:MP servers going, so I think we deserve a place :)

I'm very happy to announce that SFSE is now an official open.mp partner!

This means that when the open.mp client is released, we will be listed on a separate tab ("Partners") for added prominence over other servers. You can consider this as the SA:MP equivalent of the Hosted tab

We will be working hard to aid development of open.mp through code contributions, server resources, beta testing and getting the word out there in order to try and bring awareness of open.mp to as many people as possible. For those wondering, the reason that our server hostname has "open.mp" written in it is all part of this effort.

I'm also happy to say that a gamemode update for SFSE is being worked on, and we hope to deliver it as soon as possible :)