Best Pranks Ever In SF-SE


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The prank i went through.

I Joined and there was a guy named naokai.I saw /namechanges and it listed some odd names i didn't knew.That guy was friendly and we had a nice conversation.I told him a lot about me and what was in my mind.i also told him that there is one last close friend of mine left in this server and he is rocketbunny.we had a long conversation and i dun't know how but i believed that he was some guy i didn't knew (I thought he might be one old players lile pureclock7,cadbane,dollashears.)

And suddenly a hacker came to the wrong place.That guy said he will report him on forums as no admin was online.When i saw the report it was listed by @Black_ouT.I at once joined the game and shouted in main chat "Dammit" ,"You Bastard" & "Damn Liar you lied to me" and then i said "You are Rocket bunny aren't you" and he replied "XD I love this prank" and it was too late for me to realize that i was pranked!

Damn one of the best ever pranks  
It's kinda sad that players don't put staff members and other regular players (when they're AFK, of course) into freight boxes any more. That was a good prank.
xD  yeah i forgot to put that face! xD  now i will not forget them xD  maybe i will try to even use them instead of finishing dots xD
@Akira pranking Balkanians how he's a girl... When they all started hitting on him on Balkanian language... Funny asf! :o :D  He does it often but this was way too good when all of them actually believed him.. Like 5-7 ppl talking to him at once LOL
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xD  he also asked my that he is a she but i actually didn't pay a lot of attention to it.Its because for me it doesn't matter whether you are men or women as you are a human (unless you are a goat). :D  
It's kinda sad that players don't put staff members and other regular players (when they're AFK, of course) into freight boxes any more. That was a good prank.
I used to put a rc cam near Dark when he goes AFK, sad that he didn't notice.
Alright so, some people on the server have been constantly asking for my country. I said that I am Indian. And I got into a deep conversation with someone (and ofc with broken English). Told him that I am poor and getting food is a hard task. And that my dad slaps me with a belt when he sees me using his PC (said I am 13). Anyway I said that I have suicidal thoughts and such. I really loved that he wanted to cooperate and help me. And it turns out that I earned his confidence and that he is a she.
Til now, can't confess to him that it was a prank
Alright so, some people on the server have been constantly asking for my country. I said that I am Indian. And I got into a deep conversation with someone (and ofc with broken English). Told him that I am poor and getting food is a hard task. And that my dad slaps me with a belt when he sees me using his PC (said I am 13). Anyway I said that I have suicidal thoughts and such. I really loved that he wanted to cooperate and help me. And it turns out that I earned his confidence and that he is a she.
Til now, can't confess to him that it was a prank
how could u do this to me
Alright so, some people on the server have been constantly asking for my country. I said that I am Indian. And I got into a deep conversation with someone (and ofc with broken English). Told him that I am poor and getting food is a hard task. And that my dad slaps me with a belt when he sees me using his PC (said I am 13). Anyway I said that I have suicidal thoughts and such. I really loved that he wanted to cooperate and help me. And it turns out that I earned his confidence and that he is a she.
Til now, can't confess to him that it was a prank
That's bad, he wanted to help you. You should've told him that it was a prank bitch!!!
Alright so, some people on the server have been constantly asking for my country. I said that I am Indian. And I got into a deep conversation with someone (and ofc with broken English). Told him that I am poor and getting food is a hard task. And that my dad slaps me with a belt when he sees me using his PC (said I am 13). Anyway I said that I have suicidal thoughts and such. I really loved that he wanted to cooperate and help me. And it turns out that I earned his confidence and that he is a she.
Til now, can't confess to him that it was a prank
BTW who said Indian father's slaps with belts when you use their pc! Xd
Also getting food isn't that tough. XD you took this far away!!
BTW who said Indian father's slaps with belts when you use their pc! Xd
Also getting food isn't that tough. XD you took this far away!!
Nah there are some countries in where getting food is a tough task. Anyhow (s)he got tricked