SERVER 3 bugs


Description (in few words): 3 login attempts

What is happening? Please try to be as detailed as possible: You can have infinite login attempts if you press ESC after the "Change name" dialog shows up

Steps to replicate (if possible):

  • Type the password incorrectly 3 times in a row
  • Wait for "Change name" thing to show up and then press ESC


Description (in few words): login screen textdraws

What is happening? Please try to be as detailed as possible: disabling textdraws while in login screen and then after spawning one of the textdraws will re-enabled even the textdraw dialog shows it is disabled

Steps to replicate (if possible):

  • Log in to your account
  • Type /textdraws
  • Disable all textdraws
  • Click on spawn


Description (in few words): /weapons command (might be fixed for the next update)
Side note: cawfee has fixed this for the next update.

What is happening? Please try to be as detailed as possible: /weapons command cancels the robbing animation

Steps to replicate (if possible):

  • Join CnR/Cops And Robbers
  • Go inside a shop/business
  • Start a robbery
  • Type /weapons


Additional information that may be useful (include screenshots or videos here):