HelpeR Applications

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i want to get HELPER is all telling me +1 and tell me FIX english to get helpers me is for player all server to got fix english and to get from server SF-SE is me love server SF-SE And want to Jailed hack and speed hack and weapon hacks admin not player me helper player is hack weapon or all hacks me is jailed himm for 5000sec pls make me helper?


Server Owner
Hi @skander,

Thanks for your interest in San Fierro Stunt Evolution!

We don't have a Helper level. Instead, our hierarchy is as follows:

- Moderator (Level 1)
- Administrator (Level 2)
- Head Administrator (Level 3)
- Server Owner (Level 4)

If you stick around (remain active), help players, contribute to the community as best you can, there is a good chance that one day, you'll be invited to join the staff team as a Moderator. I think you need to work on your English, since there is no punctuation at all in this forum topic (there should be).

I hope to see you remain active, and part of our staff team in future :)

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