SERVER Race Moderator Team

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Former Staff
@Bassam You say it because of the number of races I have run in SF-SE?

I'm new to SF-SE, but I've been playing samp since 2012 and racing since 2015 so idk what your commentary contributes lol
You were complaining about the quality of the server's races but you haven't seen most of them


New Member
almost every race I have seen in the server are races with jumps, with badly placed or very short cps, and I am not saying that they are all bad, no. There are good races like the Trackmania series, and the Unleashed series (from what I've seen) I am not saying that jumping races are bad, but if they placed the cps correctly it would be even better

I assure you that it is better to delete (not all) the races than to modify cp by cp but it is an option.

@Bassam Read well, yes, I complained about some races but I did not exactly say that they were all bad, some races are well done, quite fun and with sense, it is simply constructive criticism to improve the quality of races on the server so that more racers can enter the server. I think that as a server staff it is your "job" sometimes to tolerate this type of constructive criticism, I know I have not seen most of the races but I have seen enough to comment on this post, My intention was never to offend anyone, not race creators or administrators / supervisors, etc.


Former Staff
Since you said some of the races are bad, can you list all of the bad races so we can improve the race to serve you better?


Hello Everyone Hope You All Would Be Fine :)

I've been wondering for a long time why there are only one admin who decide preview races or you can say who decide races to accept or denied, i mean everytime just one person was not the right too choose the best race for sfse and because of one person Races would have be too delay to preview, I Dont think so its good for SFSE Community so why not we make Race moderator team by choosing some pro racers with some racings knowledge which will work to preview Races!!!

Thanks :)


Racer of the Year | 2020
Former Staff
Since you said some of the races are bad, can you list all of the bad races so we can improve the race to serve you better?
Ok we will tell those races names And perhaps you guys will be fix it but dont you think that if we will make the perfect team who will work as a team and included all moderators decisions while accepting race so it would be also reduce the pressure and burden too on one person. i understand he too can be busy in his life but it make races submissions slow paced. i'm not here to blaming anyone or nor im saying i only can be handle that system , they also a human they can make mistake too (including me) nor i'm not saying i'm Perfect for this. but as much as I have Experience in this thing, as much as I understand this thing, so i would be say there should be a Perfect Team to preview races.


Goldpot Hunter of the Year | 2020
Former Staff
I'm sorry for the delay.

Race moderator team is a good idea at its root, it's one of the things that can make racing good, but also destroy it. As you know I'm not a racer and not even close to be. Much more staff members mention before me that being a racer isn't enough for be in moderator team, you need to have knowledge of CP placing, turns, vehicle type and race types and more thing I don't really good at. If the server will go for this idea it should be organized and managed by an admin (or HA or Owner idk) that will outline the team in clear lines and orders. I might think that one race is good and accept it, but it might be a bad and boring one - this thing can be caused if a race moderator will act by his wills and not by rules and guidelines.

Kostas also mention something important - accepting / denied races by the player that made it.
Your friend - accepted | Your enemy - denied
Race moderators needs to commit to to the benefit of the racing minigame even if it means to deny your friend's races.

Choosing race moderators to my opinion needs to be like staff applications, apply for it and let the staff decide if you're good for this or not. Also I don't think we need an entire team but 3-4 players including staff member to run it is enough. I think this suggestion is going for Accepted so we need to think more about How than If.

This is only my opinion so :D


Former Staff
I'm not an expert on the issue but if being objective is the main concern here, wouldn't working as a team overcome that? Formulate a team of players who are knowledgeable in the field and instead of one individual accepting races, you could hold votes on whether or not a race is suitable by deciding together on whether it meets quality standards ;)


Web Developer
Head Admin
I'm not an expert on the issue but if being objective is the main concern here, wouldn't working as a team overcome that? Formulate a team of players who are knowledgeable in the field and instead of one individual accepting races, you could hold votes on whether or not a race is suitable by deciding together on whether it meets quality standards ;)
This could work actually, instead of a race being approved or declined right away, all the race moderators test the race and as said above vote on if they approve or disapprove.


New Member
I'm not an expert on the issue but if being objective is the main concern here, wouldn't working as a team overcome that? Formulate a team of players who are knowledgeable in the field and instead of one individual accepting races, you could hold votes on whether or not a race is suitable by deciding together on whether it meets quality standards ;)

That is exactly what we want, to improve the quality of the races obviously allowing all types of races for all types of people (Obvious only if the races are well done and with a well done route and not strange things), so my question is:

the team for when?


Web Developer
Head Admin
That is exactly what we want, to improve the quality of the races obviously allowing all types of races for all types of people (Obvious only if the races are well done and with a well done route and not strange things), so my question is:

the team for when?
It won't happen overnight, if it does happen that is, it would need to be picked very carefully.
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New Member
Hi, I think it's a good idea that the server can have a team to moderate races, fixing races that need cp changes or make more easier to players get feedback to improve races in submission and make more fast the process of acceptation or denegation races.
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