[CLOSED] SF-SE's 2020 Annual Awards

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Server Mapper | Stunter of the Year 2017 - 2020
Head Admin

Hi all,

Happy New Year everyone! As usual, we're hosting our SF-SE Annual Awards for 2020.

• Only one (1) vote per category; Voting for multiple players for a single category will not count. (You can vote for the same person for multiple categories though).
• Using multiple accounts to vote is forbidden and will result in your vote not being counted.
• Voting for yourself is forbidden and will not count (excluding gang categories).
• Your in-game account must have been registered before 12/31/2020 to participate.

Select one of the two (2) following ways to vote by the deadline, January 14th, 2021 at 23:59 CST (January 15, 2021 6:59AM UK TIME) with the format provided below. If you feel undecided about a particular category, leave the category blank. Voters shall only submit their votes once, unless further requested by staff.
Send @madvillayo a PM on the SF-SE Forum with the format provided below. Click here to send your vote via the forum.
Send madvillayo#0665 a message on Discord with the format provided below.

-- VOTES SUBMITTED BY: (Insert your in-game name here) --

• Stunter of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the stunter with the most impressive stunts of 2020.

• Stunter Breakthrough of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the stunter who improved the most in 2020.

• Racer of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the most impressive racer of 2020.

• Racer Breakthrough of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the racer who improved the most in 2020.

• Deathmatcher of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the most impressive deathmatch player of 2020.

• Deathmatcher Breakthrough of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the deathmatcher who improved the most in 2020.

• Drifter of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the most impressive drifter of 2020.

• Derby Player of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the best derby player of 2020.

• CTF Player of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the best CTF player of 2020.

• Goldpot Hunter of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the best goldpot hunter of 2020.

• Gang of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the best gang of 2020.

• Member of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the most meaningful non-staff member of the community in 2020.
*Note: Those who were not staff on 12/31/2020 are eligible to be voted in this category.

• Newcomer of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the most meaningful newcomer who joined the community in 2020.

• Comeback of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the most memorable comeback of a community member in 2020.

• Funniest Member of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the most entertaining member of 2020.

• Staff Member of the Year: (Name)
Vote for the most meaningful member of the staff team in 2020.

Winners of each category shall be presented with:
• Unique Discord role
• Unique Forum title
• Unique signature (in the style of the awards logo)
• One-time $500k in-game cash and 250xp.

The deadline for submitting your votes is Thursday, January 14th, 2021 at 23:59 CST (January 15, 2021 6:59AM UK TIME). Winners shall be announced shortly afterwards. Good luck!

Do not reply to this thread with your votes. To vote, read above.
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Quick note in light of the recent promotions per this post: Those who were non-staff on 12/31/2020 are eligible to be voted within the Member of the Year category; This is due to the voting being based on the contributions & achievements of our community members for the entirety of the 2020 year. Thanks!
Voting has officially come to a close; Thank you to everyone for participating. A post announcing winners shall follow shortly. Thanks!
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