A refreshed forum!


Server Owner
Hi all,

We're pleased to announce that we've completed a major forum upgrade! This upgrade involves moving away from IPB (IP Board) and to the latest version of XenForo.

The new forum has tonnes of new features and improvements across-the-board, and brings San Fierro Stunt Evolution bang up-to-date with the very latest in community forum software.

It should be noted, that no data has been lost (at least, nothing we know of...) and you should be able to login with your normal username and password.

Please also keep in mind that we are very much open to making tweaks and adjustments, so your feedback for the forum, just like our C++ gamemode, is extremely valued and important!

On behalf of the San Fierro Stunt Evolution Team,
Really like the new look... 8/10.. BTW is the option to have a small shout box still a thing?

Tezla, post: 1354, member: 100 +1

This would be a great way to convey short messages, questions from players ("Hey, is the server down?") that don't warrant their own thread. It would also be helpful for announcing events (which, we really need to do more of...), updates and other things that would have the potential to draw an extra player or two to join the server!

We can look at implementing restrictions if there are abuse issues (i.e. spam/advertising) by means of setting a minimum registration time to use it, minimum post count, etc.

Uhh why do we have an "About Me" and an "About You" at the same time I'm confused

Woops, this has now been fixed - good catch! When converting from the old forum software, it transferred custom user fields over, but similarly, the new forum software already has that field built-in, which left us with two.